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The Go-To Indoor Air Quality Guide for Top Indoor Air Solutions for Edmonton Homes

By: Team ProSolutions

Looking for an indoor air quality guide that explains the best indoor air solutions for Edmonton homes? We’ve got you covered! Home air quality is an important topic that homeowners often overlook. But, when you spend so many hours of your life inside, it’s essential to have comfortable, clean, fresh, and healthy air to breathe.

Here at ProSolutions Inc., we specialize in more than just heating and air conditioning. Our HVAC technicians are experienced indoor air quality specialists who know the ins and outs of the best indoor air quality products for Edmonton homes. So, we’ve put together this indoor air quality guide to help you determine which home air quality products are necessary in your home. Plus, keep reading for a home air quality guide tip that most Edmonton homeowners don’t know!

Ready to learn everything you need to know about indoor air quality? Let’s dive into it!

Woman suffering from allergies due to poor indoor air quality in her Edmonton home

Indoor Air Quality Concerns in Edmonton

It’s crucial that Edmonton homeowners consider indoor air quality, as many environmental factors and common pollutants in Edmonton can cause poor indoor air quality and negatively affect health and well-being.

Below are some of the most common causes of poor indoor air quality in Edmonton homes.

  • Allergens and other biological pollutants.

The air in Edmonton is full of allergens and biological contaminants, especially in Spring. For example, pollen, pet dander and saliva, dust, mites, mould, bacteria, and viruses are common in Edmonton homes.

  • Wildfire smoke.

Summer is wildfire season in Alberta, which means plenty of smoke that can impact your lungs and overall health.

  • High humidity.

Excess indoor moisture can lead to mildew and mould growth, as well as other toxic indoor air pollutants that can negatively impact your health and the structure of your home.

  • Dry indoor air.

Edmonton’s long, cold winters lead to extremely dry indoor air, which can cause health issues and property damage. Although some indoor air quality guides forget to mention it, dry indoor air can also increase your heating costs! (We’ll explain more about this below.)

  • Restricted airflow.

Changes to the building code in Edmonton require new homes to have increasingly airtight envelopes. As a result, many new homes face airflow challenges that can lead to poor indoor air quality and excess humidity.

  • Volatile Organic Compounds.

Everyday products, materials, and activities in your home emit harmful pollutants called volatile organic compounds (VOCs). For example, aerosol products, cleansers and disinfectants, air fresheners, and even cooking processes can emit VOCs. These airborne pollutants can be detrimental to your health and well-being.

  • Combustion pollutants.

Gas-powered appliances in your home produce combustion pollutants, like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxides, that can be dangerous to your health.

These indoor air pollutants can cause many adverse health effects, including headaches, fatigue, aggravated asthma, eye, skin, nose and throat irritation, and more! Therefore, indoor air solutions are necessary in Edmonton to help you overcome these year-round air quality concerns.

So, next in our home air quality guide, let’s examine the best indoor air quality products to help you overcome these issues.

The Best Indoor Air Solutions for Edmonton Homes

What’s the best way to improve indoor air quality in your home? The answer is – with the help of home air quality products!

Below, our indoor air quality guide explores some of the best indoor air quality products for Edmonton homes. We’ll explain what each product does and when you should consider buying and installing it in your home.

ProSolutions Inc. HVAC technician replacing the filter in a whole-home air filtration system in an Edmonton home

Air Filtration Systems

What is an air filtration system, and what does it do?

A whole-home air filtration system is a device that removes airborne particles and pollutants, such as dust, dirt, dander, smoke, lint, moulds, and pollen, from the air in your home. It uses filters to capture these particles as air passes through them. The system is integrated into your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) unit, ensuring fresh, clean air is distributed throughout your home.

Are home air filtration systems worth it in Edmonton?

Is a home air filtration system worth buying and installing in your home? For Edmonton homes, we highly recommend whole-home air filtration systems. And, if someone in your home has asthma or allergies, this home air quality product is even more essential!

A professionally installed and properly maintained air filtration system will help alleviate respiratory issues, allergies and asthma and provide numerous additional benefits for everyone in your home! For example, with the help of a whole-home air filtration system, you’ll notice cleaner, fresher indoor air, less frequent HVAC equipment repairs and equipment that lasts longer.


BUYING CONSIDERATIONS: consider buying and installing a whole-house air filtration system in your Edmonton home if you want to minimize the impacts of:

  • Allergens and other biological pollutants like pollen, pet dander and saliva, dust, mites, mould, bacteria, and viruses
  • Wildfire smoke
  • Volatile Organic Compounds (depending on the filtration technology in your system)
  • Combustion pollutants like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxides (depending on filtration technology)


What’s the best whole-house air filtration system for Edmonton homes?

There are many excellent air filtration systems on the market, and our indoor air quality guide wouldn’t be complete without recommending the best product!

At ProSolutions Inc., we recommend the following whole home air filtration system for Edmonton homes.




Have you read the section of our home air quality guide above and are still trying to decide which air cleaner is suitable for your home? The air filtration system specialists at ProSolutions Inc. would be happy to help you choose the right product.

Give us a call today for personalized recommendations.

HVAC engineer installs Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV) in new home in Edmonton, as suggested in ProSolution Inc.'s Indoor Air Quality Guide

Ventilation Systems – HRVs & ERVs

What is a whole-home ventilation system, and what does it do?

A ventilation system is a device that’s connected to your furnace or air conditioner and helps improve the ventilation and airflow in your home. Some whole-home ventilation systems can also help control humidity and remove pollutants from indoor air.

Two types of ventilation systems are common in Edmonton – HRVs and ERVs.

An HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) is a home ventilation system that helps improve the quality of indoor air by continuously replacing the stale air inside your home with fresh outdoor air. While doing so, an HRV also removes many pollutants and allergens, including moulds, bacteria, smoke, CO2, household chemicals, and even excess moisture and unwanted odours. In addition, an HRV helps heat and cool your home by transferring heat between the incoming and outgoing air. As a result, a Heat Recovery Ventilator can help enhance the efficiency of your HVAC equipment and reduce monthly energy costs.

An ERV (Energy Recovery Ventilator) is a kind of HRV that exchanges heat and moisture between outdoor and indoor air. Like an HRV, an ERV improves indoor air quality by consistently bringing fresh air into your home and reduces energy use and costs by helping to heat and cool indoor air. However, unlike an HRV, an ERV also transfers moisture. That is, it removes moisture from outgoing air and transfers it to fresh incoming air or vice versa to maintain proper humidity levels.

Are HRV and ERV ventilation systems worth it in Edmonton?

Some indoor air quality guides will tell you that HRV and ERV systems are a must-have in all homes. But the truth is this – not all homes will benefit equally from a whole-home ventilation system. In particular, older homes may see fewer benefits.

That said, HRV and ERV systems are worth installing in newer Edmonton homes, especially those built after 1977.

These systems are highly beneficial and often required in new homes. In fact, in Alberta, all new homes must have a ventilation system installed. That’s because newer homes are designed to be extremely airtight. While this helps improve energy efficiency, it also restricts airflow, causing indoor air to become stale.

HRV and ERV home air quality products can help you:

  • Improve indoor air quality with a steady supply of fresh air.
  • Reduce energy use and utility costs (by recovering 60 to 90% of the heat typically lost in outgoing air).
  • Control humidity levels in your home.
  • Minimize mould and mildew growth (which can result in structural damage).
  • Eliminate airborne pollutants, allergens, and unwanted odours.
  • Reduce the risk of respiratory illnesses.


HOME AIR QUALITY GUIDE BUYING CONSIDERATIONS: consider buying and installing an HRV or ERV ventilation system in your Edmonton home if you want to minimize the impacts of:

  • Allergens and other biological pollutants like pollen, pet dander and saliva, dust, mites, mould, bacteria, and viruses
  • Wildfire smoke
  • High humidity
  • Dry indoor air
  • Restricted airflow
  • Volatile Organic Compounds
  • Combustion pollutants like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxides


What is the best ventilation system for Edmonton homeowners?

At ProSolutions Inc., we recommend the following ventilation system for Edmonton homeowners:



Are you still trying to decide if your home needs a ventilation system or which is better, an HRV or ERV?

Call the ventilation system experts at ProSolutions Inc. Our experienced technicians will provide professional advice and help you decide if an HRV or ERV is best for your Edmonton home.

Whole-home humidifier installed in Edmonton home for improved home air quality


What is a whole-home humidifier, and what does it do?

A whole-home humidifier improves indoor air quality by maintaining proper humidity levels. It does this by adding moisture to the air using your existing air ducts and plumbing system. In addition to creating healthier indoor air, a whole-house humidifier can help you save energy and money (this is something many indoor air quality guides don’t mention)!

How does a humidifier help reduce energy consumption? Well, dry air is more difficult to heat. Therefore, when indoor air is dry (especially in winter), your furnace must work harder to maintain a comfortable temperature. With higher humidity levels, you can keep your thermostat at a lower temperature (while maintaining a comfortable indoor environment) and reduce your energy bill! Adding humidity to your home with the help of a whole-home humidifier can also help you minimize HVAC repairs and extend the lifespan of your furnace.

Are whole-house humidifiers worth it in Edmonton?

Any home air quality guide will tell you that whole-home humidifiers are definitely worth installing in Edmonton homes! A humidifier is especially beneficial in the winter when Edmonton gets extremely cold, and the air is excessively dry. Low humidity can lead to many health-related issues and even damage your property. Thus, there are many advantages of whole-home humidifiers.

For example, humidifier home air quality products will help:

  • Reduce energy consumption and heating costs.
    • Minimize damage to hardwood flooring, wood furniture, paint, and wallpaper.
    • Prevent respiratory issues and difficulty breathing.
    • Alleviate symptoms and help reduce the spread of colds and flu.
  • Prevent a dry, sore throat (caused by dry indoor air).
  • Minimize dry nose and nose bleeds.
  • Reduce irritation from dust and other airborne particles.
  • Prevent lung and sinus problems.
  • Reduce shocks from static electricity.


BUYING CONSIDERATIONS: consider buying and installing a whole-house humidifier in your Edmonton home if you want to minimize the impacts of:

  • Allergens and other biological pollutants like pollen, pet dander and saliva, dust, mites, mould, bacteria, and viruses
  • Dry indoor air


What are the best humidifiers for Edmonton homes?

The best whole-home humidifier brand (and the one that the humidifier technicians at ProSolutions Inc. recommend) for Edmonton homes is:


  • AprilAire


Looking for personalized assistance with whole-house humidifiers that goes beyond this home air quality guide? Call ProSolutions Inc.! Our Edmonton HVAC technicians will help you make the right choice for you and your family.

UV air purifier destroying airborne pathogens

UV Air Purifiers

What is a UV air purifier, and what does it do?

A UV air purifier is a system connected to your existing HVAC equipment that eliminates harmful airborne contaminants and pathogens, such as mould, mildew, bacteria, and viruses, and breaks down chemicals and odours. It uses ultraviolet germicidal light to kill airborne pathogens by disrupting their DNA. This helps improve air quality, creating a healthier, more comfortable home.

Are UV air purifiers worth it in Edmonton?

A UV air purifier is worth it for Edmonton homeowners who want clean, fresh, healthy indoor air or have a family member with allergies or respiratory issues.

When it comes to air purification, UV air purifiers are the most reliable and effective option for Edmonton homeowners – don’t let any indoor air quality guide tell you differently! Why? Because rather than trapping particles and pathogens, UV air purifiers use ultraviolet light that actually kills these airborne contaminants. Other purification methods, like air filtration systems, can also be effective, but they may harbour harmful micro-organisms if their filters are not changed regularly.

Overall, the benefits of UV air purifiers include:

  • Elimination of bacteria, viruses, mould and mildew from indoor air.
  • Removal of airborne chemicals and odours.


BUYING CONSIDERATIONS: consider buying and installing a UV air purifier in your Edmonton home if you want to minimize the impacts of:

  • Allergens and other biological pollutants like pollen, pet dander and saliva, dust, mites, mould, bacteria, and viruses
  • Volatile Organic Compounds


What’s the best air purifier in 2024/2025 for Edmonton homes?

This air purifier buying guide for homeowners wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the best air purifier for 2024/2025!

According to our HVAC technicians, the best air purifier for Edmonton homes in 2024/2025 is:


  • APCO-X – using a combination of UV-C light and advanced oxidation, APCO-X systems can neutralize various pollutants, including bacteria, viruses, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), allergens, and mould.


Which home air quality products are right for you?

Wondering how to choose the best indoor air quality products for your Edmonton home? Use our indoor air quality guide below to determine which indoor air solutions will help you solve the air quality issues in your home.


Indoor Air Quality Product Removes Allergens & Biological Pollutants Removes Wildfire Smoke Removes VOCs Removes Combustion Pollutants Prevents High Humidity Prevents Dry Indoor Air Improves Airflow Reduces HVAC System Energy Use & Costs
Air Filtration System Depending on filtration technology. Depending on filtration technology.
HRV Ventilation System
ERV Ventilation System
Humidifier Can indirectly help with allergens.
UV Air Purifier Depending on technology.


The Easiest Way to Choose Indoor Air Solutions for Edmonton – Ask Your HVAC Contractor

Have you read our home air quality guide and are still trying to decide which indoor air quality products you need, if any? Ask your HVAC contractor!

Local Edmonton indoor air quality experts, like ProSolutions Inc., have improved the home air quality in hundreds of houses around the city. Therefore, they know what to look for and what will work for your home.

Here are some important questions to ask your HVAC contractor when discussing indoor air quality products.

  • What is the most common cause of poor indoor air quality in my area?
  • What are the signs of poor home air quality?
  • How can I test air quality in my home?
  • What is an air quality monitoring system, and should I have one?
  • How does my HVAC system affect indoor air quality?
  • Does my home have an indoor air quality issue?
  • How can I improve the air quality in my home?
  • What maintenance do home air quality products require?

ProSolutions Inc. HVAC technician installing home air quality products in Edmonton home

The Indoor Air Quality Guide Tip Most Homeowners Don’t Know

Did you know that HVAC and plumbing equipment, including air filters, cleaners, and purifiers, is eligible to be claimed as a medical expense on your income tax? If your answer is “I had no idea!” you’re not alone!

If you require certain indoor air quality products in your home due to a severe chronic respiratory ailment or immune system disorder, you may be able to claim this cost on your income tax return (with a prescription).

A few important notes about claiming this expense:

  • Get a prescription from a medical doctor BEFORE anticipating this tax claim.
  • Your HVAC contractor CANNOT provide a prescription.
  • There is NO guarantee your tax claim will be accepted.

Next Step: Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Ready to take the next step to a healthier, happier home? ProSolutions Inc. can help!

Call Us today to learn how we can help you improve the air quality in your Edmonton home.

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