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Did the Luck of the Irish Fail You in the Bathroom?

By: Team ProSolutions

On Saint Patrick’s Day, everyone gets to claim a little bit of Irish ancestry, no matter how distant the relation. With this honorary Irish ancestry comes the beloved Luck of the Irish.

Filled with visions of shamrocks and leprechauns, the luck of the Irish imbues us with a feeling that nothing can go wrong, especially as we celebrate and enjoy the party.

However, inevitably, a trip to the bathroom needs to be taken during the long celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. If you walked into a bad bathroom, that feeling of a lucky aura can go away quite quickly.

After all, we all know what happens in the bathroom but we don’t need to see it and encounter it every time we walk into a bathroom. To make sure you aren’t the one who leaves behind a plumbing disaster zone, follow these toilet etiquette tips.

Do More Than Just A Courtesy Flush

toiletcleaningWe all know the concept of the courtesy flush in the bathroom. However, sometimes it seems that people forget where that lever or button is altogether. No one wants to stumble upon an unflushed toilet when they need to hit the restroom.

Make sure to always flush the toilet to ensure that you don’t leave behind a terrible scene. However, it even goes further than that. Check to make sure the toilet is actually clean post-flush. A little extra toilet paper can go a long way into leaving a clean scene for the next user.

The Toilet Isn’t Magic

disposingStarting in childhood, the toilet can seem almost magical. At first, it seems like anything you put in the bowl and flush can magically disappear.

As adults, we learn that this isn’t true and that everything actually has to make it into your pipes. However, after a few shots of Jameson on St. Patrick’s Day, some people seem to forget this important fact. Only toilet paper and you-know-what-else should make the way into the bowl.

If any other hygiene products or other items make their way, you could cause a clog that could get to the point of needing a repiping. Repiping is expensive and should be avoided.

Keep Your Aim and Avoid an Emergency

plumbingemergencyHey, there is nothing wrong with putting back a couple of Guinnesses to celebrate the national holiday of Irish-Americans and the honorary Irishmen and Irishwomen around the country. However, don’t let the revelry lead you to your own personal plumbing emergency.

If you hold it too long, you may be facing an urgent issue. Combine that with a few beers on board, and you could lose your aim and hit just about everything except the toilet. Your plumbing emergency could cause the next person’s bathroom disaster zone.

All joking and kidding aside if you are facing a true plumbing emergency, the professionals at Pro Solutions Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning are standing by ready to help. Simply give us a call at (780) 453-6640 and we’ll be ready to assist. Oh and gentlemen: #keepyouraim!

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