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Hot Water Heater Buying Guide 2025 – What to Know When Buying a Hot Water Tank

By: Team ProSolutions

This Hot Water Heater Buying Guide was originally published in 2021. It has been updated to reflect what to look for when buying a water heater in 2025.

Are you looking to buy a new hot water heater? With an overwhelming number of options and factors to consider, it can be hard to select the right water heater for your Edmonton home. Don’t worry – our hot water heater buying guide is here to help you learn how to choose a water heater!

There are traditional hot water heaters and tankless water heaters, as well as different sizes and efficiency ratings. In Edmonton, the cold winter weather is another aspect that must be considered. Therefore, with so many options, you must be familiar with what to know when buying a hot water heater.

As a professional provider of water heater services in Edmonton, we know a thing or two about hot water heaters and which are the best on the market. So, we’ve created this hot water heater buying guide to help you decide which water heater is best for you.

Here’s what to know when buying a hot water heater.

Have more questions after reading our 2025 hot water tank buying guide? Our technicians are familiar with local conditions and requirements and will help you choose the perfect water heater.

Contact ProSolutions Inc. today for help selecting the best hot water heater for your Edmonton home!

A water heater buying guide for 2025 – finding the right water heater for your needs and your home is important.

Best Hot Water Heaters to Buy in 2025

Our hot water heater buying guide wouldn’t be complete without a few recommendations. So, here are our top choices for water heaters in 2025.

Best Mid-Efficiency Electric Hot Water Tank – Bradford White (RE240S6 / RE250S6)

Bradford White Atmospheric (RE240S6 / RE250S6)

Looking for an electric hot water tank that will produce enough hot water for the whole family? This one’s for you! 

Bradford White Water Heater for Edmonton – Upright (RE) (RE240S6 / RE250S6)

Bradford White Upright Electric Water Heaters feature several innovations that help reduce energy consumption and extend product lifespan. As a result, they are the best investment for homeowners looking for a reliable, long-lasting water heater.  

Additional features of the RE240S6 and RE250S6 models include:

  • Standby loss of 61 Watts (RE240S6) and 59 Watts (RE250S6).
  • First hour rating of 208 L / 55 gallons (RE240S6) and 227 L / 60 gallons (RE250S6).
  • 6 or 10-year limited warranty on tank, 6 or 10-year limited warranty on parts.

Best Mid-Efficiency Tankless Gas Water Heater – Bradford White (RTG-S-199-N1)

Bradford White (RTG-S-199-N1) - named one of the best tankless gas water heaters by ProSolutions Inc. in 2024 hot water heater buying guide

Never run out of hot water again with this mid-efficiency tankless water heater!

Bradford White Infiniti® GS Series Tankless (Condensing) Gas Water Heater 

The Bradford White Infiniti tankless water heater is among our plumbers’ top recommendations. The RTG-S-199-N1 model is reliable, efficient, and designed for Canadian climates, making it the perfect choice for Edmonton homes.

Additional features of this tankless Infiniti model include:

  • 18,000 BTU (minimum)
  • 0.95 UEF
  • ENERGY STAR® certified
  • 15-year heat exchanger warranty, 5-year parts warranty

Learn more about the Bradford White RTG-S-199-N1 and other Infiniti models here – Bradford White Infiniti Tankless Water Heater.

Best Low Maintenance Gas Hot Water Tank – Bradford White Power Vent (PV40 / PV50)

Bradford White Power Vent (PV40 / PV50) gas hot water tank from ProSolutions Inc.

Experience exceptional reliability and performance with minimal maintenance.

Bradford White Power Vent Gas

The Bradford White Power Vent Gas hot water heater is another top recommendation in this hot water tank buying guide. This water heater requires no air inlet opening or flame arrestor cleaning (under normal conditions) and offers Intelligent Diagnostics, making it extremely easy to maintain. In addition to being low maintenance, this gas hot water tank is equipped with the quietest blower motor in the industry. 

Additional features of the PV40 and PV50 models include:

  • 40,000 BTU (PV40 models); 40,000 – 65,000 BTU (PV50 models)
  • 0.68 – 0.72 UEF
  • 6 or 10-year limited warranty on tank, 6 or 10-year limited warranty on parts.

It’s crucial to consult with professionals to ensure your hot water heater is installed correctly and safely.

Best Eco-Friendly Tankless Hot Water Heater – Noritz EZ111

Noritz EZ111 tankless hot water heater for Edmonton

If want to make your home more energy-efficient, this water heater is for you. With one of the highest efficiency ratings on the market, this water heater will significantly reduce your carbon footprint and save you money in the long run on energy bills. That’s why it’s one of our top recommendations in this hot water heater buying guide.

EZ111 Noritz Tankless Water Heater for Edmonton

The Noritz EZ111 features inlet and outlet connections that are positioned on top of the unit, minimizing water line exposure and digital control. This tankless Noritz hot water heater is a modulating unit and, therefore, creates only the amount of heat that is required – as demand increases, the heat supply increases. As a result, energy consumption is reduced, and all fixtures can be run at once. Unlike other top tankless brands, replacement parts for the Noritz EZ111 are easy to get in Canada.

Additional features include:

  • 18,000 – 199,900 BTU
  • 0.95 UEF
  • Wall-mounted tankless Noritz hot water heater unit
  • 25-year warranty on heat exchanger, 5 years on parts, 1-year reasonable labour

Best Value Hot Water Heater for Families – Rheem RHE50

Rheem RHE50 - top-rated water heater in ProSolutions Inc.'s hot water heater buying guide

If you have a family (2 adults, 2 children), this hot water heater is the perfect mix between value and efficiency.

Rheem 50 Gallon RHE50

The Rheem RHE50 is a power direct vent gas water heater. This non-condensing, gas-efficient model is able to provide sufficient hot water for households with 3 to 5 people.

Additional features: 

  • 40,000 BTU
  • 0.69 UEF
  • Energy Star rated
  • 6-year limited tank and parts warranty, 1-year in-home labour warranty

Biggest, Baddest, Best Hot Water Heater for 2025 – A.O. Smith 75 Gallon VertexTM GDHE-75

A.O. Smith 75 Gallon Vertex GDHE-75 hot water heater - available in Edmonton at ProSolutions Inc.

This water heater has it all. Good value. Great output. If your hot water demands are high, this option is perfect for your household.

A.O. Smith 75 Gallon VertexTM GDHE-75

The A.O. Smith GDHE-75 Vertex™ Power Direct Vent gas water heater will provide all the hot water you’ll need and is highly efficient to boot. 

More features:

  • 100,000 BTU
  • up to 0.88 UEF
  • ENERGY STAR® certified
  • 6-year limited warranty (tanks and parts)

Hot Water Heater Buying Guide Basics – Common Types of Water Heaters

There are several different types of water heaters to choose from. Each type offers different advantages and disadvantages and will be more suitable in some households than others. 

Before you buy a new hot water heater, familiarize yourself with these different options.

When it comes to different types, here’s what to know when buying a hot water heater.

Gas Hot Water Heaters

What to know when buying a hot water heater - gas powered water heaters

Hot water heaters that are powered by natural gas are very common in households throughout Canada, including in Edmonton. This type of water heater is often recommended by hot water tank buying guides and heating and plumbing contractors in Edmonton because of its various advantages.


  • Water is heated faster than with electric water heaters
  • More cost-effective in the long run (due to the low cost of natural gas)
  • In the case of a power outage, you will still have hot water


  • More difficult and expensive to install
  • Typically larger than electric heaters

Electric Hot Water Heaters

Although less common than gas water heaters, electric water heaters can also be a suitable option for some households.


  • Easier installation (than gas water heaters), as no venting is required
  • Usually less expensive than gas heaters
  • Physically smaller than gas heaters


  • Cost of electricity may be higher than natural gas, making an electric water heater more expensive to run in the long term
  • If the power goes out, you may not have hot water

Propane Hot Water Heaters

Hot water heaters that run on propane are also less common than gas water heaters. However, they do have several advantages. Therefore, we’ve included them in this 2025 hot water tank buying guide.


  • Water is heated quickly
  • Doesn’t rely on electricity (in case of a power outage)
  • More cost-effective than electric water heaters
  • More environmentally friendly than natural gas water heaters


  • More difficult to install
  • More expensive to buy and install

In addition to these three types of traditional hot water heaters, you also have the option of going tankless. 

Tankless water heaters can be electric or gas-powered. Like traditional water heaters, each type has different advantages and disadvantages, including initial and long-term costs, maintenance needs and efficiency.

For a detailed list of pros and cons, and our recommendation for the best tankless water heater, check out our article about tankless water heaters.

Tankless water heater vs water heater

Tankless hot water heaters offer many advantages over traditional hot water tanks. However, in this hot water heater buying guide, you’ll discover that they are not for everyone. 

Here’s what to know when buying a hot water heater that’s tankless.

What is the difference between a tankless water heater and a regular water heater?

hot water heater buying guide - tankless water heater vs traditional water heater

The difference between a tankless water heater vs a traditional water heater is the tank. 

A traditional water heater stores preheated water in a tank. When water is required, the hot water from the tank is delivered. The water heater then refills the tank and heats more water to be kept on standby.

A tankless water heater, on the other hand, does not have a large storage tank. Instead, it heats water on demand. Tankless heaters can rapidly produce hot water using high-powered elements. As a result, you will never run out of hot water.

Other hot water heater buying guides might recommend a tankless water heater from the get-go. However, we’re here to tell you that tankless heaters are not for everyone.

For example, if you live in a climate that is cold most of the year, a tankless water heater is likely not for you. The biggest downfall of a tankless heater, however, is that it costs significantly more to purchase and install. In fact, a tankless heater can cost up to three times as much as a traditional hot water tank (when comparing a low-quality traditional tank with the newest tankless unit). As well, cold temperatures (like that during an Edmonton winter) can be hard on tankless heaters. These drawbacks shouldn’t be overlooked by a hot water tank buying guide.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The notion that tankless water heaters don’t work in cold climates is more dependent on the type of tankless heater. Gas tankless water heaters tend to do well in Edmonton’s colder climate. However, electric tankless water heaters can have trouble keeping up in the cold. For this reason, ProSolutions Inc. provides and installs gas tankless water heaters in Edmonton homes.

If a tankless heater is right for you, it can have many benefits over traditional hot water tanks, including:

  • Longer lifetime (in many cases, double the life of a traditional heater)
  • Unlimited supply of hot water
  • More energy efficient
  • Lower utility bills
  • Less space required

Are you considering buying and installing a tankless water heater? Below, we’ll discuss more about how to choose a tankless water heater.

What to know when buying a hot water heater and important factors to consider

To choose the perfect water heater for your home, there are a few important aspects you’ll need to consider. Here’s what to look for when buying a water heater.

  • Size
  • Efficiency
  • Costs
  • Tank type (if you decide to purchase a tank water heater)

Here’s what to know when buying a hot water heater when it comes to sizing, efficiency ratings and initial and long-term costs.


When purchasing a new water heater, you’ll want to ensure that it’s big enough to meet your hot water needs. Selecting the proper size will also maximize the efficiency of the unit.

Ultimately, the size will depend on the amount of hot water you use. Therefore, the number of people in a household is often used to determine size requirements. Keep reading our hot water heater buying guide for size recommendations based on average household sizes and water usage. 

Keep in mind, however, that each household is different. You may have a hot tub or several showers with rain heads, meaning you’ll use more hot water than the average household. Working with a professional Edmonton plumbing services provider is, therefore, the best way to determine what size of water heater your household requires. This will ensure that your water heater isn’t too small, causing you to run out of hot water, or too big, resulting in more energy consumption and higher utility bills.

The size recommendations below are for traditional hot water tanks.

Number of People Gas Water Heater Electric Water Heater
2 20 Gal (90 L) 30 Gal (135 L)
3 – 4 40 Gal (180 L) 50 Gal (225 L)
4 – 5 40 Gal (180 L) 65 Gal (290 L)
5 – 6 50 Gal (225 L) 80 Gal (360 L)
6+ 75 Gal (340 L) 120 Gal (540 L)

While the size of a traditional hot water heater is measured in litres or gallons, the size of a tankless water heater is expressed in GPM. GPM stands for Gallons Per Minute and represents how much water your tankless heater can heat in one minute.

GPM recommendations based on family size can be found here – How big should my tankless water heater be?


Are you looking to reduce your carbon footprint? There are many energy-efficient hot water heaters on the market today. Unfortunately, these heaters often come with a steep price tag. However, it’s important to keep in mind that although a more efficient water heater costs more upfront, it will save you money in the long run.

The efficiency of a gas-powered water heater (tank and tankless) is rated using the unit’s energy factor (EF).

What is the energy factor? 

EF = hot water produced / amount of gas used (in 24 hours)

That is, a water heater’s EF is calculated based on the amount of hot water produced divided by the amount of gas used within 24 hours.

The higher the EF, the more efficient the water heater.

The efficiency of electrical hot water tanks, on the other hand, is measured by standby loss (in watts).

What is standby loss?

Standby loss measures the amount of heat loss from the tank. The lower the standby loss, the more efficient the hot water heater.

Hot Water Heater Buying Guide Efficiency Rating Update

There’s a new efficiency rating in town! The U.S. Department of Energy introduced a new efficiency rating that now replaces Energy Factor (EF) in Canada. 

This new rating is referred to as Uniform Energy Factor or UEF.

What’s the difference between UEF vs EF? The two ratings do not differ in what they measure (i.e. the energy efficiency of gas hot water heaters). Instead, the difference between EF and UEF is the testing methods. The test procedure for UEF is meant to make it easier for homeowners to compare water heaters and to choose the right one. In addition, this new testing method better reflects how hot water is used in homes in 2025.

To determine a water heater’s UEF rating, it is first assigned to one of four bins, or categories, based on hot water usage. Then, the water heater’s performance is evaluated compared to the other units in that bin. For this reason, UEF comparisons can only be made between water heaters within the same bin. For instance, a high bin water heater with a UEF of 0.95 won’t perform the same as a low bin water heater with the same UEF. 

Like EF, the higher the UEF value, the more efficient the water heater (compared to other water heaters in the same bin).

To determine how efficient a given appliance is, look for its EnerGuide label. This label can be found on the appliance and in its product literature. The label will show you the appliance’s UEF. EnerGuide labels can also help you compare the efficiency of units that fall within the same bin – so you can decide which is right for your home.

A comparison of the old EnerGuide labels (using EF) and new labels (using UEF) is shown in our hot water heater buying guide below.

New EnerGuide label from the Government of Canada

Image: Government of Canada website.

How to Choose the Most Efficient Water Heater

When looking for the most energy-efficient water heaters, look for an ENERGY STAR symbol. Products that have this symbol meet or exceed energy efficiency requirements set out by the government.

To be awarded an ENERGY STAR label, the following efficiency ratings must be met:

  • Gas water heaters:

    • With tank volume greater than 20 gallons (75 L) and less than or equal to 55 gallons (208 L) – Medium draw: UEF ≥ 0.81; High draw: UEF ≥ 0.86

    • With tank volume greater than 55 gallons (208 L) – UEF ≥ 0.86

  • Gas tankless water heater:

    • UEF ≥  0.95

Initial Costs vs Long-Term Costs

Before making your purchase, you’ll also want to consider the upfront and long-term costs of different types and models.

For example, some water heaters, especially highly efficient models, can be very expensive to buy and install. High-efficiency tankless heaters, in particular, can cost up to three times more than a less efficient, traditional heater (when comparing a low-end traditional tank with a new tankless heater). However, these models will save you money in the long run by cutting down your energy consumption. Also, their lifespan is much longer. Therefore, you’ll want to consider the pros and cons offered by a more expensive model before making your decision.

Maintenance costs should also be considered when evaluating the long-term costs of owning a hot water heater. Like any appliance, both tank and tankless hot water heaters require regular home maintenance. For example, the following annual maintenance is recommended: 

  • Pilot assembly cleaning
  • Inspection of flame sensors, thermocouples, and drain valves
  • Tank flush

Although this annual maintenance will increase long-term costs, preventative upkeep will extend the life of your water heater and help minimize unexpected (and expensive) repairs.


Looking for an easy way to keep up with regular maintenance? Check out ProSolutions Inc.’s ProComfort Memberships! We’ll take care of maintenance planning and upkeep for one low monthly price.


Type of Tank

There are three main types of tank water heaters to choose from when buying a hot water tank. 

  1. Atmospheric
  2. Power Vent
  3. Power Direct Vent

Each tank type has advantages and disadvantages. The type of tank you choose will also affect the upfront price and long-term operating costs of the unit.


Atmospheric tanks, also known as conventional or natural draft tanks, are the most common type of gas hot water tank. They operate via natural convection, relying on the buoyancy of hot water to rise as cooler water enters from the bottom. Atmospheric tanks have a vent pipe positioned vertically or sloping upwards so the rising hot air can exit. Although typically more affordable upfront, their energy efficiency tends to be slightly lower, leading to higher long-term operational costs compared to other types of water tanks.

Power Vent

Power vent tanks overcome atmospheric tank limitations using a powered venting system to expel combustion gases. These tanks force exhaust gases out through a vent pipe with the help of a blower fan. Power vent tanks are more flexible in terms of installation locations since they don’t rely on natural draft and can vent horizontally or vertically through sidewalls or roofs. These types of tanks also harness exhaust heat to warm water, enhancing energy efficiency and savings. In addition, lower exhaust temperatures allow for PVC piping, a cost-effective alternative to the standard metal venting used with atmospheric tanks.

Power Direct Vent

A power direct vent tank draws combustion air from outside the home. This enhances efficiency and safety by minimizing the risk of backdrafting and indoor air contamination. Like power vent tanks, this type of tank uses a blower fan to expel combustion gases through a vent pipe. Power direct vent tanks are ideal for spaces with limited ventilation, ensuring safety and improved indoor air quality. In addition, PVC piping can be used with power direct vent water heaters to reduce installation costs.


Not sure which type of tank you have in your home or which you should buy? Call the pros at ProSolutions – we’d be happy to help!


Now that you have a better idea of how to choose a water heater, here are the brands our professional plumbers recommend. Plus, keep reading our 2025 hot water tank buying guide to discover the tank and tankless models we suggest.

Top Hot Water Heater Brands Recommended by Professionals

Our experienced plumbers fix and install hundreds of hot water tanks each year. As a result, they know what brands are good – and which aren’t! Here are the hot water heater brands our experts recommend for homeowners in Edmonton.

Bradford White

Bradford White has a long history (over 140 years) of manufacturing high-quality HVAC equipment. Built in the United States using elite components and materials, Bradford White water heaters are reliable, safe, and long-lasting. They are also some of the most efficient water heaters on the market and come with a great warranty. As a result, the most experienced plumbers (and hot water heater buying guides) recommend the Bradford White brand.

Bradford White manufactures both tank and tankless water heaters.

Since the Bradford White brand is a common recommendation for Edmonton homeowners, we’ve included specific model numbers in the Bradford hot water buying guide below.


Noritz is also a well-known and respected hot water heater brand. As a leading hot water heater manufacturer, Noritz produces dependable and high-performance water heaters that incorporate the latest technology and features. Noritz is known for innovation and was the first to produce an electronically controlled tankless water heater in 1981!

The Noritz brand is highly recommended by plumbing professionals in Edmonton, including those at ProSolutions Inc.

Now that you know what to look for when buying a water heater, let’s get into the specifics! Below are some of the best hot water heaters for Edmonton homes.

Hot Water Heater Buying Guide Takeaways – Top Tips for How to Choose a Water Heater in 2025

  • Determine whether a gas, electric or propane hot water heater is best for your Edmonton home.

  • Consider buying a tankless water heater for long-term savings and on-demand hot water.

  • Select the right size water heater for your household (see our hot water tank size recommendations above).

  • Consider buying a high-efficiency hot water heater to reduce energy consumption and monthly energy costs.

  • Buy a reliable hot water heater brand like Bradford White or Noritz.

  • Do some research to find the best hot water tank installation company in Edmonton.
    Experienced, local plumbers, like those at ProSolutions Inc., will help you choose the right water heater and ensure it’s installed properly.

Still unsure which water heater is best for you? ProSolutions Inc. can help.

If you’ve read our hot water heater buying guide and familiarized yourself with what to know when buying a hot water heater, and you’re still unsure about which option is the best for your home, we can help!

Our professional Edmonton plumbers can help you select the right hot water tank for your home based on your location, water usage, efficiency requirements and budget. As Edmonton locals, we’ll always recommend what we use in our own homes so that you get the best and most reliable product.

Call, email or message ProSolutions Inc. today to find the best hot water heater for your home.


Have you applied to Edmonton’s Home Energy Retrofit Accelerator program (HERA) but still need to complete your efficiency upgrades? ProSolutions Inc. can help! Our expert team is familiar with the HERA program and can help you achieve the efficiency needed for a maximum rebate.

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